The Facts About Gum Disease in Children

You probably know that gum disease is actually a serious problem that you should have addressed as quickly as possible, but did you know that there are actually a few rumors that are commonly accepted as facts. For example, did you know that children are as vulnerable to gum disease as you are? As you probably know, one thing you’ll... read more »

Protect Your Baby’s Smile

Protecting your baby’s smile is just as important as other health care treatments for the infant. In time, their teeth will shape their eating habits and their speech. Although the first tooth typically does not break the skin of the gums until around 6-10 months of age for the baby, the more you do to prepare yourself and care for... read more »

Picking a Toothbrush for Your Child: The Facts

Do you know what you would do while you’re standing in the store choosing a toothbrush for your child? Did you know that your little one’s toothbrush can actually have a major impact on their oral health? How do you choose the right brush for your child? The first thing you should consider is the firmness of a brush’s bristles.... read more »

Alleviating Discomfort from Teething

Your baby has 20 primary teeth, also called “baby teeth,” under their gum line. These teeth usually start to break through the gums between 6 and 12 months. The teething process is uncomfortable, so your baby may be irritable during the day and have a hard time sleeping at night. Drs. Hunter and Coe are happy to give tips about... read more »

What Can You Do for Your Children’s Teeth

Your children’s teeth are very important to their overall development—but do you know what you can do to help you keep your little ones’ teeth healthy? Your children’s foundation for healthy permanent teeth starts within the first few years of their life. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help your kids enjoy healthy smiles for a... read more »

The Myths that Led to the Tooth Fairy

Think back on the days that you believed in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. Do you remember the excitement the prospect of losing a baby tooth brought? Knowing that the Tooth Fairy was going to come to take the tooth and leave money, whether it was a dime, quarter, or dollar, is a highlight of childhood. Bringing the magic... read more »

How to Get Your Children to Brush Their Teeth

Do you ever wonder what you can do if your children don’t enjoy brushing their teeth? It’s important for you to help your kids brush their teeth to prevent cavities and a number of other serious issues. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help your little ones enjoy brushing—which can make the experience considerably more comfortable... read more »

Producing Proper Saliva Levels Is Important to a Healthy Smile

While your child's teeth and gums are the parts of their mouth that we typically pay attention to, their saliva is also a key player in the production of a healthy smile. Indeed, without proper saliva production, their smile health can actually suffer. Today we want to give you an overview of the role of healthy saliva production in your... read more »

Dental Sealants Can Prevent Bacteria from Gaining Direct Access to the Teeth

Your child’s permanent teeth need to serve them for the rest of their lives. Encouraging an effective and consistent oral hygiene routine helps develop life-long good oral health habits. At the same time, there are additional preventative measures that can be used to help prevent the development of cavities. The premolars and molars in the back of your child’s mouth... read more »

Trying to Avoid Cavities: We Can Help!

As you probably know, the holiday season typically spans from Halloween to New Years. Typically, this season is a time of fun and family. Similarly, during this season, you’ll probably find yourself surrounded by more sweets than you normally might. As you can probably guess, this means you might be more vulnerable to cavities. Naturally, one thing you might want... read more »