The hard outer tooth enamel layer on each of your child's teeth provides them with the ability to bite off and chew food. It also serves to protect the sensitive dentin, pulp and other core structures of the tooth. Having a pediatric dentist like Dr. Jessie Hunter and Dr. Karen Coe perform a dental checkup will help to detect any... read more »
While your child's teeth and gums are the parts of their mouth that we typically pay attention to, their saliva is also a key player in the production of a healthy smile. Indeed, without proper saliva production, their smile health can actually suffer. Today we want to give you an overview of the role of healthy saliva production in your... read more »
Did you know that more than one-half of all children aged 5-9 years have at least one cavity or filling in their smile? If this condition is left undiagnosed, it can ultimately harm your child, as a painful tooth or chronic dental problem can lead to difficulty in eating, speaking and concentrating. It is important to understand that children with chronic dental... read more »