Do you know what you would do while you’re standing in the store choosing a toothbrush for your child? Did you know that your little one’s toothbrush can actually have a major impact on their oral health? How do you choose the right brush for your child? The first thing you should consider is the firmness of a brush’s bristles.... read more »
Do you ever wonder what you can do if your children don’t enjoy brushing their teeth? It’s important for you to help your kids brush their teeth to prevent cavities and a number of other serious issues. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help your little ones enjoy brushing—which can make the experience considerably more comfortable... read more »
As you probably know, the holiday season typically spans from Halloween to New Years. Typically, this season is a time of fun and family. Similarly, during this season, you’ll probably find yourself surrounded by more sweets than you normally might. As you can probably guess, this means you might be more vulnerable to cavities. Naturally, one thing you might want... read more »